Sabado, Nobyembre 1, 2014

Enjoying the semester break

Enjoying the semester break

Actually for instructors like us, there is no sem break. The students do have, but not us. We have to report to office to do related jobs like doing grades or preparing for the second sem but it is still a break from lectures or planning activities for our classes..

A lot of things have happened during the break but  what stands out in my mind is when the little boy left us with his mother. Now the house is silent once more and we miss his tattering and his endearing quirks.
How he loved hanging around with Didi or tagging along wherever he goes. At three, the boy plays pet rescue and other games on the computer.
Well, with him back to his mother, I can now work on my laptop without him climbing unto my lap and begging to be allowed to play his games.

That was five days ago and fortunately for me I was able to finish all the grades and other requirements so I can do other things like visit our dear departed at the cemetery. My sisters in law, Monique, Nona and Mavic along with Mother in law were fetched by hubby so we can do the duty visit to the memorial garden together.

Unlike the previous years, when Mama would personally arrange the flowers that we bring to the cemetery, this time we bought them from the vendors on the roadsides.We just didn;t have time as we decided to visit on all saints day, not on all soul,s day which is tomorrow.
The news was right. Flowers are very expensive, as the businessmen took advantage of the demands during this season. The cheapest we could find from the roadside vendors was P100 per basket consisting of  a few flowers and embellished with leaves and baby;s breath.

A seminarian led the prayers. I would have wanted to offer  mass for our beloved dead but there was no time. After the  prayers we left for lunch at home. Later in the day when we have brought them all back to their residences (with Monique going to the beauty parlor and Mavic to Baybay for a party), Jun and I stopped by at Novo to pick up a few kitchen utensils, then to a friend whose hubby is a carpenter so we could fix my old room which was destroyed by Yolanda.Then finally, I had time to offer and attend a mass at the main parish church.

So tomorrow, with a carpenter (and his wife) to feed, will be a busy day for me. But I am sure I will have time to finally finish the work assigned to me by a sweet friend Sidney. Sorry Sid for the long wait. This time I will put your assignment for me first priority.
Happy weekend everyone. Trick or treat?

1 komento:

  1. Happy weekend to you! I know you must miss that adorable little guy! So nice that you all went to the cemetery to honor your departed loved ones. We had special prayers at Mass this evening, for All Saints and All Souls. Yours is a good tradition. Hugs!
